Over the years, the passionate and undying zeal to see men and women established in Christ has engineered the birth of various ministry arms through which the gospel of Jesus Christ is effectively proclaimed to the nations of the world. Follow the links below to learn more about the few mentioned partnership arms of the Believers LoveWorld.
Rhapsody of Realities: The best-selling daily devotional that remains a life-guide with rich teachings from God’s word. Over two billion copies of the best-selling daily devotional and Bible-study guide have been distributed in 242 countries and territories in over 1000 languages of the world including Afrikaans, Arabic, Cantonese, Croatian, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Icelandic, Italian, Mandarin, Myanmar, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili...and still counting! New languages are added regularly, making the devotional accessible to many more in different parts of the globe, thus bringing the richness of God’s Word into their lives. Little wonder the devotional is referred to as the, “Messenger Angel”. Rhapsody of Realities also features LoveWorld News, a full pictorial and colored mid-page magazine, which contains latest updates and reports of the ministry’s programs around the world. The devotional has been designed to enhance your spiritual growth and development. You will be refreshed, completely transformed and positioned for a day-to-day experience of success and victory as you go through the life-changing thoughts in this month’s devotional.
Healing School: A healing ministry of Rev. Chris Oyakhilome (Ph.D), which takes divine healing to the nations. Each year, the Healing School hosts Healing Sessions in Johannesburg, South Africa and Toronto, Canada, where thousands receive their healing and miracles in an atmosphere of faith and the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit. Visiting ministers from around the world also come to the Healing School through the special Ministers' Visitation Program, which affords them the opportunity to witness the miraculous works of the Spirit in our day. Our flagship TV program, "Enter the Healing School with Pastor Chris", is viewed by millions on several satellite and terrestrial TV stations around the world, with testimonies of many receiving their healing and miracles while watching.
InnerCity Missions: Full-fledged faith-based non-governmental organization dedicated to breaking the Cycle of Poverty by delivering a sustainable solution to the problem of urban and rural child poverty. The inner-city Missions work to give the life of every indigent child a meaning; we want them to forget that they were ever poor and give them a hope and a future. It envisions a world in which orphaned, deprived, excluded and vulnerable children in the inner cities live free of poverty and fulfill their God-given potential, thus becoming responsible and self-reliant adults, profitable to the society. Also the International School of Ministry; specifically to train and equip ministers of the Gospel of Christ, building in them the realities of God's Word and empowering them to carry the message of eternal life in Christ Jesus to their world, with great demonstrations of the miraculous power of God.
LoveWorld Satellite Channels: Having pioneered the first 24 hours satellite station to stream from Africa to the rest of the world, the Loveworld channel has since inception evolved into 3 far reaching satellite stations covering all continents of the world: Loveworld Sat which has left an indelible foot print in the sand of time, projecting images of lives that have been touched and transformed through television over the period of its existence. Loveworld UK and Loveworld Plus; a Christian faith and lifestyle channel destined to bring a new level of dynamism into Christian television programming through satellite and the internet. The reach of LoveWorld UK and Loveworld Plus is limitless.
BLW Campus Ministry: Believers’ LoveWorld Campus Ministry is the youth arm of Believers’ LoveWorld, a unique and dynamic ministry called by God to play a chief role in the end time move of the Spirit. Our Vision is to carry God’s divine presence to all the people of the world, demonstrating to them the character of the Spirit.
Internet Multimedia Ministry: Partnership with Internet Multimedia gives you the unique opportunity to reach everyone, everywhere with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We make the message of the Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, available via Internet, Mobile and Satellite technologies. Our reach is GLOBAL, and with the availability of internet and mobile services, we are set and rightly positioned to take the message of our glorious gospel to the whole world.